The software displays color information in different color spaces.
ColorSpace and RGBCube are made freely available to promote knowledge of color. ColorSpace and RGBCube are "research-grade" rather than commercial-quality softwares; they are used in color science teaching.
Two visualization methods are available: A 2D representation of the colors (image representation with pseudo-color) and A 3D representation of the colors where the coordinates of each color (in a particular color space) are used to determine the position in the 3D space.
This program received 2 awards
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When I try to download ColorSpace 4.3, I'm taken to a completely different program! (ColorSpace version 1.1.1).
Dear User!Thank you for the report! Unfortunately, the program has been discontinued by the developer and isn't available anymore on the developer's site.
When I try to download couleur I'm taken to a completely different program!
Dear User! Could you be so kind to specify the title of the program you are trying to download? Sincerely yours, SI Team.